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Handshake between Cornelis Tromp and Michiel de Ruyter, 17th century (c1870). Artist: JH Rennefeld
An audience with the council of mayor and aldermen of Amsterdam, 1653 (c1870). Artist: JH Rennefeld
Johan de Witt, Dutch statesman, 1654, (c1870).Artist: JH Rennefeld
Christiaan Huygens, 17th century Dutch mathematician, astronomer and physicist, c1870.Artist: JH Rennefeld
Benedict Spinoza, 17th century Dutch philosopher, c1870.Artist: JH Rennefeld
Hubert Kornelisz and Justus van Effen, c1870.Artist: JH Rennefeld
Petrus Plancius, Dutch astronomer, cartographer and clergyman, c1870. Artist: JH Rennefeld
Formation of the Dutch East India Company, 1602, (c1870).  Artist: JH Rennefeld
Foundation of Batavia, Java, Dutch East Indies, 1619, (c1870).Artist: JH Rennefeld
The Town Hall at Delft, Netherlands, 1620 (c1870).Artist: JH Rennefeld
Abel Tasman, 17th century Dutch seafarer, explorer, and merchant, c1870. Artist: JH Rennefeld
The swearing of the oath of ratification of the treaty of Münster, 1648 (c1870).Artist: JH Rennefeld
Jacob van Campen, Dutch artist and architect of the Golden Age, 17th century (c1870).Artist: JH Rennefeld